What’s in Your Wallet? A 3-point prayer to change your finances
What’s in your wallet? It’s definitely less than you forecast back in January. Your hours are less, and your clients are infrequent.
More than your average church retreat, this intensive weekend uses discipleship-counseling to help you come out of your backstory, and find your true IDENTITY.
Today’s stubborn strongholds come from yesterday’s unhealed pain. Carter explains Identity, Shame, and how God heals our past. Let Carter give you guidance for healing from your story .
Read how Carter found freedom from a sexual stronghold. Shame is the root issue. This book teaches you how to heal shame. It leads you in designing a game plan for overcoming your stronghold.
Companion Guide to God Knows Your Story (and He’s Not Mad!). This 8 week study guide is a tool to lead an individual or a small group of participants to work through their own story week to week. The study guide follows the chapters of the book with questions to go deeper and provide a time for personal reflection. A prayer guide is included for working through the healing of unfinished business.
Bring Carter’s message of healing grace for wounded hearts to your next church event or men’s retreat!
If you need someone to walk alongside you after the Pure Heart Weekend, Carter offers pastoral counseling. He will mentor you to continue walking out your breakthrough, and establish you in Christ’s freedom for your life!
Carter is uniquely qualified to give counsel and advice on restoring fallen pastors. He can also minister to the leadership and the body of a church wounded by their pastor’s sin.
Read encouraging stories of God’s transformation in the lives of people like you, and messages straight from Carter’s heart to yours.
What’s in your wallet? It’s definitely less than you forecast back in January. Your hours are less, and your clients are infrequent.
Some of us are getting worried. I know. Some of our family and friends are working in the medical field, and we are worried about
Consider this: Christ was born in a manger to hide His true self, so that you could be born-again and reveal your true self. (Phil
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