There are three voices that we will hear every day. Two are in our head and in our soul, but only one is in our spirit.

            The first voice is the voice of our flesh. This voice is full of the words from our story, and can be both negative and positive. The voice of your flesh might include positive messages from your parents, like “Just do your best, and leave the rest to God,” or “Always tell the truth, and we will be proud of you.” The voice of your flesh will also include negative messages like, “Admit nothing, especially never admit guilt,” or “I’ve made enough mistakes in the past, so never let someone point-out another one.” My own negative messages of the flesh were, “Lie to protect yourself,” and “I really don’t deserve to be blessed by God, so don’t expect it.”

            The second voice that we could hear on the inside could be that of a demonic spirit. They are still roaming about the earth seeking someone to “devour” (I Pe 5:8). If you open the door to the demonic then you are opening the door to their deception. Demons will use their voices to speak into your soul, and you could be hearing those voices. They will enter your mind spoken in first person. “I am so stupid . . . I can’t do anything right; I’m so hurt, I’ll never forgive her; I will never be successful like so-n-so; I can’t understand the Bible, so why try; Everyone at church is such a hypocrite . . . I don’t want to go anymore.”

            Then there is the third voice, the right voice. This is the voice of The Lord Jesus Christ. He said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27). Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus speaks to us. He always speaks that which is either the very words of Scripture, or He speaks His own paraphrase of His Scripture. The Spirit is called The Spirit of Truth in John 14:17, and Jesus says, ” . . . you know Him because He abides with you . . . in you.” It should be understood that the Holy Spirit is in us to lead us, guide us, train us and speak to us truth. He tells us the truth.

         Every day you will hear these voices of your life, and each voice will urge your obedience. Can you discern these three voices? Do you know the “sound” of each voice. Here are five tips to help you recognize who is speaking to you.

  1. Does the voice condemn you, criticize you, scold you or mock you? Then it is either the negative voice of your childhood story, or it is the voice of the demonic.
  2. Does the voice tell you to kill yourself, or that you could pick up that rope/shot-gun/hammer/knife and either hurt yourself or hurt someone else? Then that is the voice of the demonic, a spirit of murder/death/or suicide.
  3. Does the voice tell you to defend yourself by attacking others; does the voice tell you that it is not your fault and that others are to blame; and does this voice keep rehearsing the perfect argument, over and over, all day Saturday and Sunday, preparing you to give a sterling account of your goodness/innocence/or correctness on Monday morning at the office . . . well, then that is the voice of your shame (flesh).
  4. If the voice tells you that you are loved, that’s the Lord. If the voice tells you to “meet me in My Word,” then that’s the Lord. If the voice tells you that you should offer/serve/give up your own rights to seek the good of someone else, then that is most likely the voice of the Lord Jesus.
  5. You will hear messages all day. If your head is full of confusion, noise and “traffic,” then that is a sign that you are operating under the influence of the flesh and/or the demonic. If your head is full of peace, quiet, a worship song, or a scripture verse, then you are hearing the voice of the Great Shepherd. He knows you. He knows the words to lead you with. Listen for Him. Get quiet and listen, and learn to hear His voice.

            When the Great Shepherd speaks to you, abides in you, and teaches you, then you will have His peace (John 14:25-27). Know His voice, know peace.



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