One of our daily upsets in life is when our minds come under the control of a storm that takes over our minds. Our pleasant state of mind gets hijacked by nagging thoughts, self-accusations, or even by recalling the harsh words of others. We can even pick up imaginary worries and burdens from a future that may never come. Sadly, we carry our upsets with us long after the original cause is over. How easy we give in to “voices” which gladly bring us messages from our past.
We all know what this feels like. We are going about our day working, driving, looking at the computer screen, when suddenly our mind receives a “flaming dart from the evil one.” The enemy loves to steal our minds away, and get us to forget our identity, forget our internal condition of righteousness, and that we are safe and secure in our peace with God. Kill, steal and destroy —the accuser can ruin the peace of God that we were enjoying moments earlier.
You hear something, see something, read something, or remember something, and suddenly you have a knot in your stomach? Your face flushes. Your palms get sweaty. Or you become panicky or jumpy, defensive or angry, fearful or even hopeless . . . again!
What can we do at this moment? I want to “reign in life through Jesus Christ.” (Rom 5:17b) Don’t you? How can we turn back the tidal wave of controlling thoughts, and join with the Holy Spirit in self-control (as a fruit of the Spirit, Gal 5:23).
First, I claim my identity. I announce it out loud. If you’ve been on Pure Heart Wknd, then you know the routine: “I am a chosen, holy & blameless, adopted (to reign), redeemed, forgiven, sealed in the Spirit, seated in heaven, child of God.” (Eph 1:4-14; 2:6) I speak this out loud. With conviction. With authority. With boldness.

Then I add, “The Lord Jesus Christ is my life! I am covered by His blood, and filled with His resurrection life. (Col 3:4; Rev 1:5; Rom 6:5) And I will reign in life over all your negative messages (Rom 5:17b), for I have the mind of Christ ( I Cor 2:16). I reject all lies and cast them down; I destroy them with the weapons of God, the truth of His word.” (2 Cor 10:4-5; John 17:17).
Don’t be passive. Don’t sit and pout, sulk, give up or warm the bench. Get in the game. Remember: your authority is voice-activated. Start speaking against the other voices. Speak what you believe (2 Cor 4:13).



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