IF YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING CRAZY? You Might Be . . . 3 Attitudes to Put in Check

Ever noticed how many people today are diagnosed as bi-polar? Or how many people hunt down a list of characteristics on the Internet and claim, “See! That’s my mother in nearly every one of these! . . . Yep, this is my husband, right here! . . . I swear, my wife is bi-polar!”

Now, first, I acknowledge seriously that there are people who have been professionally diagnosed as bi-polar, and they need our support and prayers. However, there are some people with serious mental afflictions that have come as a result of allowing toxic attitudes to go to seed in their body and soul. Without doing your spiritual work, these toxic attitudes can grow into a worsening condition. To me, it’s analogous to Type II Diabetes. A majority of people with Type II arrive at it through a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad diet. But instead of changing their diet, these folks acquiesce to the slavery of insulin shots for the rest of their lives! The root of the problem is diet, the pathetic, American diet. Analogously, the root of most mental illness is from the pathetic and toxic “food” that we feed our soul and brain. There are three such attitudes that are destructive in this manner, and left untreated can grow into a form of mental illness.

The first toxic trait is Arrogance. I know enough already, and I surely cannot learn anything from you!

Arrogance is the corrupt sense of one’s personal value, IQ, or achievements. It is the conceit, pride, and egotistical sense of “wholly otherness” that is above all others. It was #1 on God’s hate list in Proverbs 6. In the New Testament, strongholds are our own arrogant thoughts raised up against the knowledge of God (2 Cor 10:5). Thus, arrogance blocks out and keeps our own minds from receiving what God is telling us.

The second toxic trait is Deceit. I will twist everyone’s understanding of reality in favor of “my story,” so that I can keep playing my game, get the outcome that I want, and get away with it.

This trait is all about defending one’s position, instead of taking that false story to the cross in submission to Christ’s “story.” As Jeremiah 8:5 says, “People will always fall away from God because they are full of deceit.”

For Deceivers, it’s never their fault: you didn’t get all the facts; those other people are such meanies; I had no other choice but to do what I did; I just need your help this one last time. They deceive and lie, and never accept the truth, especially the truth about themselves.

It’s in everyone who claims to be a victim. These people develop their own twisted interpretations of their self-caused unfortunate situations, and speak deceptions, lies, exaggerations, and self-promotion. They never get healed, living in a monologue, bent over in deceit, on their way to mental illness. But God says we grow up by speaking the truth (Eph 4:15).

The third trait is Resentment. The whole world is specifically and unfairly directing so much injustice toward me; life is not ever fair to me! Never!!

            The world is showing up a certain way around us, and our only healthy choice is to accept life as it shows up, accept it as from the hand of God, and allow the life of Christ in us to reign over it (Rom 5:17b). But in Resentment —due to my arrogance and deceit— I think that the world is purposely treating me this way; that tragically I alone am suffering more than the rest of you and it’s not fair, and someone will pay one day!

The antidote to Resentment is forgiveness. But this is the very attitude that is denied a presence. If I give up my claim that life is unfair, then I will now be responsible for dealing with it and resolving my painful issues. But that’s too hard! It’s easier to blame others, so I choose a state of bitter unforgiveness, which gives seed to eventual mental illness. Anger that remains in my heart gives the demonic-world a foothold in my life (Eph 4:24).

Mental illness never comes overnight. It only grows over time. Bad time. Unhealthy time: time in which we do not humble ourselves before God; time in which we do not bow before the truth; time not spent healing our wounds and not praying through our angry bitterness. Don’t stay there.

Bow before Him.

Speak and believe the truth.

Seek your healing, and grant forgiveness.



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