Sexual Stronghold Counseling

Break your sexual strongholds that have lasted for years!

Get beyond the clinical into the spiritual with


When he resigned from the ministry in 1998 for sexual sin, Carter and his family were launched into a world of emotional pain, anger and fear. In his life, Carter found that very few were able to provide the type of ministry and encouragement that he needed when facing his sexual stronghold.

A sexual stronghold can make a man (or woman) one of the loneliest people on the planet. This person needs counseling with even more spiritual direction and formation than is provided in the more clinical approach to addiction. Whether we call this battle a stronghold, an addiction or an enslavement, it is a lifestyle of entrenched thinking and behaving, that one often cannot walk free of, alone.

Carter can help men and women break their sexual strongholds coming at it from a more biblical and spiritual perspective. If you have already done some kind of institutional rehab or clinical counseling, then Carter can build on that and make the spiritual connection that was not covered enough adequately in the clinical process.


Carter’s method is to start with the story-based Intensive (see this under the “Counseling” heading). This is a 10 to 12-hour experience over two days, with teaching, processing, and story-work healing. This begins the process of dealing with Shame by helping the client understand their story, how their shame developed, and how their ungodly beliefs and strategies developed. This first step also provides an introduction to the critically valuable work of inner-healing prayers —definitely NOT what you receive at the clinic!

It is critical to know the wounds of your story, and to know the ungodly beliefs that have emerged in your mind. Your life story is essentially the story of Shame, and shame is what drives the addiction. Shame is an identity, and it must be healed. The clinical approach does not effectively heal one’s shame. Healing your story is necessary for freedom from and power over a sexual stronghold.

All total, Carter will guarantee 28-30 hours of spiritual counsel, direction, and illumination into the healing grace of God, the transforming grace of Christ, and the guiding grace of the Holy Spirit. The Follow-Up sessions will be about . . .

– Grace

– Union

 – Identity

– Strongholds

-The Flesh & The True Self

This Sexual Stronghold Intensive can be worked out over a 3 to 5 month time period.

Price: $3,000  (discounted to $2,700 if paid in full up front)

Contact Carter to discuss his calendar and scheduling: ( or 985-773-2194).

Contact Carter Today

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